Welcome to CosmicEdits! Please enjoy your stay.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Commission Coupon

Hey there -- it's Cosmic here and today's Sunday. Here's the Commission Coupon.

And you can redeem it by following these instructions:

  1. Go to our Commissions page
  2. Open the unused Commissions Prices document and scroll down to the signatures section
  3. Use this link and paste it into your order form while ordering a SIGNATURE.
Anyways, that's about it!!

Ciao, and Comet On!

Pink Fox Signature

Yesterday I created a signature. Yup. Here it is!

And here's the same signature without the graphics!

I really like how that the Animal Jam logo can be colorized and still looks good (in my opinion). Most of the graphics came from the Animal Jam Faith. I also found a cool lemur GIF from National Geographic Kid's Animal Jam page. There is also an avatar personality quiz, a cool code, polls, It Wasn't Me, and downloadable posters!!

I really like this GIF -- and all credits goes to the National Geographic Kid's Animal Jam page.

Anyways, that's about it!

Ciao, an Comet On!


Here is a gift for Princessbg!!

I created it using a program called BeFunky. I dunno, the text looks "eh" to me.

Anyways, that's about it!

Ciao, and Comet On!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

A timelapse of how I make my channel arts/banners

Hey!! I was making my newest channel art/banner lately, and I wanted to do a timelapse on how I do those. Here I go!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

8/21 Commission Coupon

Hey there, Cosmic here, and here's today's Commission Coupon!

Here's how to redeem the coupon.

  1. Go to our Commissions page
  2. Open the unused Commissions Prices document and "scroll down to any order form you'd like and insert your background image, an image or images you want in the setting (if you don't have a graphic of them, put them on Ol' Barn den grass or Snow Fort/Winter Palace den snow), and where to place them." - Animal Jam Comet 
  3. Use this link and paste it into your order form while ordering an IMAGE EDIT.
Also, I whipped up a quick image edit earlier today. Here it is:

Anyways, that's about it.

Ciao, and Comet On!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

8/14 Commission Coupon

Hey guys, Cosmic here, today's Sunday so that means Sunday Commission Coupons. Let's begin!

Here's how to redeem it:

  1. Go to our Commissions page
  2. Open the unused Commissions Prices document and scroll down to the channel art section
  3. Use this link and paste it into your order form while ordering a CHANNEL ART.
Anyways, that's about it.

Ciao, and Comet On!


Sunday, August 7, 2016

8/7 Commission Coupon

Hey guys, Cosmic here, I can't talk right now so here is the Commission Coupon.

And here is how to redeem it!

  1. Go to our Commissions page
  2. Open the unused Commission Prices document and scroll down to the signatures section
  3. Use this link and paste it into your order form while ordering a SIGNATURE.  
And that's about it!

Ciao, and Comet On!