Welcome to CosmicEdits! Please enjoy your stay.


Commissions are closed at the moment - they will resume whenever Cosmic has finished Adventure Guides!

The Commissions page is still under construction! Sorry for any inconvenience.


Do you want a custom commission made just right for you? If so, this page will be your best friend! Just scroll down to a link that catches your eye, and click on it! I promise you that I'll get your commission done in a maximum of 7 days, and you even get one free refund if you don't like your commission or if you want something changed!


Font Document

A document of all of the fonts that I may use for commissions, and a request section so you can request Google Docs fonts and PicMonkey fonts. Click this sentence to view the Font Document.

Commission Pages




  1. Animal Jam Username: awesomepanda868
    Quote: "There is always light at the end of the tunnel."
    Item/Animal(s) you want on your quote: I guess a graphic of Graham the alpha looking through binoculars (I think I have one somewhere on the Alpha Graphics page on my blog... XD)
    Link/URL for the background: http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Images/users/antonio/static_sun_database/t/tunnel/road_indoor/sun_bqvcroilglamdltx.jpg
    Any special touches? BE SPECIFIC: Could I have white text? The font can be anything you think looks good. :)

    Oh, and here is the commission coupon:

    Thanks! <3

    1. Here is the specific Graham graphic I'd like:

    2. I will make that request ASAP!
      *Your coupon has been used!

  2. Could I have a logo? Coupon below:

    I'm not really sure what information and details I have to give for a logo, since I can't find a logo request form on this page... could you tell me what I have to tell you for the logo details? Thanks! :D

  3. Heyo! :D Could I have a signature?

    Animal Jam Username: awesomepanda868
    Name you want on The Signature: awesomepanda868
    Link/URL for the background: http://singlosport.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Bamboo-Shirt-Antimicrobial-Shirt.jpg
    Any special touches? BE SPECIFIC: Could the text be white and in a bold/thick font? :D

    Thank you! ^_^

    1. Yup! I'm pretty sure that it's your free signature for your A+ score on the guessing of where my graphics were located, so it's free! Your order is coming up, stay tuned! (I will share the post to you when it's up.)

  4. Could I have a logo?
    Coupon: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9JDKqc8GlAE/V2_ssCOuolI/AAAAAAAAFLw/5TmHFhltHsIcAorP6bBhGmNmRXjVYy2sQCLcB/s1600/6.26%2BCommission%2BCoupon.png

    1. Information:

      Username: awesomepanda868
      Blog name: Animal Jam Graphic Central
      Do you want the Animal Jam logo on your logo: Sure!
      Any graphics on your logo: A panda and a fox (a fox maybe like the one in my blog header?)

    2. CosmicCheetah-Not-Signed-InJune 26, 2016 at 3:16 PM

      I will make your request ASAP!
      *Your coupon has been used!

  5. So, I was wondering if you could make me 2 headshots? I'd like to make a little mini GIF of two headshots of my panda flipping back and forth. Since the commission coupon you posted is only for one drawing, I'd be happy to pay you some RIM's if you'd like! :D

    So here is my order form:

    Animal Jam Username: awesomepanda868
    Animal you want drawn: My panda, but in two different expressions. I'd like for one of them to have a neutral expression (closed mouth, not much emotion etc.) and for the other one to have a really happy expression (open smiling mouth, tongue sticking out, one eye winking etc.), sort of like the expression in the drawing you did for me awhile back (the one in the Commission Prices document as an example for the drawing commissions).
    Headshot or Fullbody: 2 headshots
    Would you like your drawing featured on my DeviantART, CosmicColaKitty?: Sure! :)
    Do you want glow/drop shadow? You must be SPECIFIC: Maybe a light blue glow or a drop shadow?

    Thank you! :D

    Commission coupon:

    1. I'll get them started right away!

      Also -- I don't care whatever rare items -- I still need to get back to you for the Google+ Pack and channel art that I ordered a while ago!

  6. Could I commission a header for theanimaljamfirepack.blogspot.com I would pay 2 golden bricks.

    1. Yes, you may, please fill out this order form in a reply to this comment:

      Animal Jam Username:

      Blog Name:

      Blog Description (If Any):

      Any Graphics? You must be SPECIFIC. If needed, you can put the link to a specific graphic in your comment if needed:

      Do you want any other special touches? You must be SPECIFIC:

      Email, if you want the header sent to you:

      And you can certainly trade the golden bricks over to my storage account once I finish the commission.

    2. HarmonyPurr9
      The Animal Jam Fire Pack
      If you join the fire pack today you can burn like the brightest flame.
      Forest Related Graphics

  7. I know that the commissions are closed, can you please make a drawing when your done.
    can you draw my wolf (leaping arcticspirt)
    you can post it on your devianart
    I am not sure of what glowldrop (its your choice)
    iraj13.t@gmail.com (Plz delete my email after words)

    1. Sadly, I lost the email to my DeviantART, but I can try to remake my old one. I can actually do it now, as I have nothing to do.

  8. My payment is 4diamond items:
    Painters easel
    peppermint pathway
    mira waterfall
    snow angel

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi there, please use the Contact Cosmic at the bottom of the blog? Also, it says that my permission was denied, the blog is private :(.


Please be respective of your fellow Jammers! Thanks!
CosmicEdits, Inc.