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Sunday, April 24, 2016


Hey! Today I have some requests from Awesomepanda868:
If you want the version without the watermarks, just tell me in the comment section and I will email it to you!

I use Microsoft Paint to draw. I use Pixlr to bevel and add glow, for example the blue glow around the panda. I use Google Images to find my background photos, and PicMonkey to edit, watermark, add text, and add a shadow to the edit.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. Just... wow. This is SO EPIC!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! <3

    Also, could you email me the drawing without the watermark? I plan to use it partly for a Google Plus banner, but I'm definitely giving you credit both in the banner and in the "About" section!

    Thank you so much again! <3 You're the absolute best!!!


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