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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blogging Buddies

Hey guys, it's Cosmic here! I completed a traditional drawing yesterday! Here it is.

I know the light isn't really that well.. But if you can't read my handwriting, here are what the words by the animals say:

"COSMIC || SWIRLSHINE || PANDA || LOSTFAIRY || NAFFY || BALAUR || BLOGGIN' BUDDIES || By Cosmic of the AJC + CosmicEdits || (And OTHERS that I had no room on my sketch pad to draw) || (From Blogger + Wordpress) || ©CosmicColaKitty, 2016!"

And... that's about it!

Ciao, and Comet On!


  1. Even though lots of jammers know me, like Swirlshine, Flora Cutegirl, Rawr07, Nafaria9, Cuddly, and PurpleStarClub, I even commented on here, so you may know me, I am never in a picture. I made a painting and added people in it but not you, I am not trying to be mean. You really don't have a main look so I can't draw you.

    1. My main outfit is usually Catcher (my snow leopard), my raccoon Fabulous Icymonkey (still hating the name), or my Enchanted Arcticwolf the arctic wolf. I also use many of my other outfits, but those are the ones that I usually use the most.

      Also -- I couldn't fit you in my tiny sketch book, and I'm not that great in drawing lynxes. However... in my drawing I stated "(And OTHERS that I had no room on my sketch pad to draw)," so that includes you and other Animal Jam bloggers that we have in our community.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! THANK YOU! THAT'S AWESOME!!! <3


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